Life is full of changes and most of you know that better than me.
13 months ago
I lived at my house with my 7 siblings and played sports, went fishing, did school, learned wisdom from our parents and we enjoyed one another.
13 months ago
I lived at my house with my 7 siblings and played sports, went fishing, did school, learned wisdom from our parents and we enjoyed one another.
Now, I am currently not living at home, I am paying/raising money to work, my mom has had another baby since then, my sister has gone off to college to change the world for God's Glory (I'm so proud of her) and the people I hang out with want God to be known all across the world.
But in this I ask myself "What hasn't changed?"
the answer seems simple, God. He is still good and I actually learn more and more of that the more I live and push into His goodness, the more I memorize His Word, and pray and share of His works and meet Him in the quiet place.
Last evening, after dinner, we, the Ministry Team, (the other 31 Interns that were selected to run the ATF events) went back into the Student Activity Center to continue work in our various departments. The School of Worship band was practicing their songs for our first event in Amherst that is in 2 weeks. The lights were off except the LED wall and all the spot lights. The band had been playing but slowly, as we finished up our assignments, everyone else started worshiping and crying out to God which led to the 32 Ministry Teamer's worshiping and praying to God plus random staff and others in the building.
This went on for about 2 hours and after hearing some of the mighty things God was doing I was even more encouraged.
Worship has never broken out like that during Pre-Production before. One of the members on the team got a text during the time we were worshiping saying that he was praying and that God's Spirit was going to move.
And He was...
My friend Andrew was so full of the Holy Spirit that he couldn't stand up for 45 minutes.
God spoke to Him specifically saying something along the lines of "It's time to stand up and fight"
To another young woman on the team God was giving visions during the worship.
God was refreshing tired hearts and speaking to people.
God has moved in so many ways in and through the team it is amazing.
In a secular environment I would be made fun of, criticized, and even hated on because I am not doing what the society says is next for me; like college or a career.
But I thank each and every one of you for your support of me as I seek to please God, and not society.
I have been learning how to set up the L.E.D. Wall and the lights on the trusses that we put together and how to set up the stage.
My position for the Acquire the Fire's is the Volunteer Coordinator.
I will be managing all of the volunteers and taking care of them.
I am eager and it is still almost unreal in a way even though we have been putting in 12-14 hour days some days because we have not had an event yet.
We will actually be going to the Oil Palace (an arena) in Tyler to set up and tear down our first rig.
As far as finances; It cost's the ministry about $450 a month for me to be fed, housed, trained, traveled and tried.
I currently have $317.89 in my account. I still need $583.11 in the next 5 days.
I totally believe God will provide.
I believe this is where He wants me and I believe that lives will be changed forever because of His power working through the people on this tour.
Donate at
My ID number is: 2610558
Please pray for
-The events to be Spirit led and that God would soften hearts
-God to move like never before and do mighty things
-Finances to come in
-The Ministry Team to find time to get in the Word and pray and encourage one another
-The leadership would be wise and make Spirit led choices.
-We would learn a lot and God would touch thousands of people's lives through us
-We would be humble and vulnerable as a team
-Against the lies of the Devil
-For the Drama team and the difficult position they are in fighting spiritual battles
Memorize the Word
Thanks so much