My first real ironing experience, salted peanuts, beef jerky, quoting The Emperor's New Groove, and Rejoicing in the Lord as we scream WITH EVEERYTHING, WuhhOoooooooooo, WuhhhOooooooooooo, WuAaaaaoooooooooo WuAaaaaOooooooooooooo.
It has been 95 hours since I have arrived at what some call the HA.
I am going through the first 10 days which is what they call Gauntlet. Afteer that I will be put in a dorm where I will spend the rest of the year and also figure out where I will work. They are putting us through a busy first week and a half and I am already learning a lot. I like my group and do not really want to move. So we'll see what happens. There is a possibility that I can stay in my dorm. We have got up at 5:30 each morning and done corporate which is pretty much a work out and a run. Today, those capable, ran 3.47 miles to finish out the corporate. I found it quite pleasurable.
I am learning that there are many things in my life I need to let go off before I can fully hold on to God and make Him my everything. It is hard, very hard, and I have been more emotionally touched this week then any week in my life. Not out of control but enough to shed some salt water hear and there.
Jesus yelled "Tataleste" (A battle cry when the battle was won) when he was on that cross right before He died. His one and only pure unsinnature blood was finally fulfilling the covenant that God made with Abraham.
rejoice not, Oh my enimies for though I fall, I, Will, RISE!
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