Today I woke up by a young man named David from Minnesota telling me that I had been left alone in a house while everyone went to church. While I was deep in slumber, in a very comfy bed with a very soft blanket engulfing my body the rest of my core left and forgot I was in the room I was in, in the house we are staying at this weekend, in Dallas.
But its all good I found no trouble getting out of bed.
I borrowed some nicer dress shorts form Marcus "The carcass" Nickerson (commonly referred to as Marcus the Carcass because he died to himself and the life that is in him is the life of Christ (A man of higher standards) and a deep green polo from an adopted core member John "The walking talking, beat boxing, sing-a-longing, musically intrigued, inclined and straight up Godly defined, heart soul and mind of a man with a bind, to the Holy Spirit, Spouting encouragement and let'n em hear it." Rockwell
We drove for seconds upon seconds and after stopping to ask for directions 4 times and roughly using the online map we printed off, and a little bit of faith, fun, flutes, and endurance we stumbled in to the church all to find out that we were too late and could not attend the service because of the fire code's limitations on the limit of people in the auditorium.
So, we decided to go to the bathroom and pray in one of the many prayer rooms that the church had.
5 guys (Marcus, John, Arvind, David, and Me) found ourselves praying for about 50 min for the members of the church and their leaders and their and our heart and praying scripture. It was really good.
After we prayed I talked to the guys about heaven and eternity and due to some Core Advisor inspirational insight I muttered this:
"Time is merely a measuring cup of imperfection"
I have now eaten a dragons buffet and am headed to the 5:00 service at the church we missed before, goodbye aunts house.
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