Wednesday, November 16, 2016

America: Eclectic Melting Pot of the Post Modern World

A people insecure and yet so convinced they are sure,
Polarized and categorized,
Sensitive in feelings and insensitive with whom they’re dealing,
Nice and mean
Dirty and clean,
Rich and yet poor
Possessing resources but what for?
Possessing and possessed
Obsessing and obsessed.
Shiny stuff,
And never enough.
Degrade uploads.
There are values on pillars that float in the air,
The foundation is lost in the clouds and the flair.
Comfort is lost in the sex and the food.
We don’t know what’s right,
We don’t know what’s good.
Morality is relative along with truth
But no one can prove it because its not true to you.
When there is no foundation
There is no God.
And no one can see straight when we worship the job.
Job to get money,
Money to get the house,
House to put stuff in, just to move out.
Travel the world retire, settle down, golf and talk about the weather before they put you down.