Sunday, October 20, 2013

You know... I've noticed a few things bout this here planet and our relation to it in the moments prior to this one.  Things like:

-I have come to terms with the fact that I am 22.  It's a fact now.  And this is probably the fastest reality has hit me in my life thus far.  It came from contemplation, meditation and prayer.  I see it kinda like...
learning.  Now this learning analogy applies because I have lots of new things I am learning in this season of life, academically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and cognitively.  A more applicable example could be... dusting for a hidden picture that can only be seen by a special dust that a person has to apply gently and in a small area. Thus is takes quite some time to uncover the hidden picture yet when it starts coming together during the process, when I step back and look at it, is quite a breathtaking reality.  Oh the simple joy to stop.  Stop the busy bustle (yes, busy bustle) and reflect (far worse not to) upon the journey; the process, and realize what could not have been realized another way.  
     It seems the subtle changes in our lives are easier to cope with because there is not an insurmountable amount of instant shock from difference or uncomfortable newness.  And by cope I sadly mean that we (specified in another thought) really tend to fall on the side of being not near as grateful for the work God does in and of our lives.  We seem as hardly as aware of the marvelous transforming change that has occurred as the old self that once was.  The main jab being, reflection is vital for a thankful heart.  Now worry is vital for a closed heart and fear is vital for the enclosed heart but love-complete closes the door to worry and cast's out fear allthewhile kindling (verb) the fire of grateful joy above the hearth of honesty with the kindling (noun) of reflection.

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